Benefits Of Keeping Wisdom Teeth

Keeping wisdom teeth in the mouth seems like trouble, but you must consider the benefits of doing so. Having wisdom teeth proved essential in the past for our ancestors because they had to chew tough food.

These days, we don’t need to chew tough food as soft food is available for eating, but that doesn’t diminish the importance of wisdom teeth. They provide excellent support to other teeth and jawbone, making our facial structure look good. But some people want to extract their wisdom teeth as they feel they don’t need them.

However, removing your wisdom teeth might involve some risks, including dry sockets, damage to neighboring teeth, and nerve damage. So, you need to carefully consider whether you want to keep your wisdom teeth.

Benefits Of Keeping Wisdom Teeth After Removal:

It is generally not advisable to keep wisdom teeth after removal, but if you want to know the advantages, you might consider keeping them. So, below, we give you some benefits of keeping wisdom teeth after removal.

  • Several people feel a personal connection to their wisdom teeth, seeing them as part of their past. 
  • You can keep your wisdom teeth to donate them for dental studies or biological research, such as oral health, evolution, or genetics.
  • If the removed teeth are in good condition, dentists can use them for implants or dental grafting.
  • Removed wisdom teeth are also used as a teaching tool through which teachers can teach dental students.
  • Some people prefer to decide later about keeping or losing teeth rather than making an irreversible solution right away.  

Spiritual Benefits Of Keeping Wisdom Teeth:

In most cultures, wisdom teeth are considered symbols of gaining experience and wisdom. They also symbolize the beginning of maturity and the growth of wisdom in life. This development not only leaves a physical change but also encourages us to view our life journey and the lessons we acquire along the way, motivating us to put this wisdom into practice in our daily lives. Below, we give you several spiritual benefits of keeping wisdom teeth

  • Maturity: The emergence of wisdom teeth is often associated with growing older and becoming more mature, which is a signal that we are going to a new stage in our lives. In this stage, we must make better decisions by learning from past experiences.
  • Patience: We also learn patience from wisdom teeth as we wait for them to grow. Wisdom teeth teach us to wait for things to happen with patience, just like them, as they are not quick to appear. They teach that not everything happens or comes easily and help us understand that patience can make us powerful and more prepared for what lies ahead.  
  • Reflection: Reflecting on the time when wisdom teeth come out can give us a chance to think intensely about our lives. Wisdom teeth tell us to look back on the past and what we have learned and watch how they shape who we are today. It is about realizing that each success and challenge has given something to our wisdom that helps us make better decisions.
  • Knowledge: Acquiring knowledge is not just what we seek at school but what we learn from our life experiences, just as wisdom teeth come in as we grow older. This increase in knowledge is closely related to the lessons that life throws in our path, which permit us to understand what we get through real-world experiences.
  • Transition: A change in life, manifested by the eruption of wisdom teeth, is a sign of moving ahead and entering new phases. Wisdom teeth are a natural way to let us realize that we are ready to face new experiences that act as a bridge between who we are and who we will become, forcing us to leave thoughts that no longer serve us better.   

Health Benefits of Keeping Wisdom Teeth:

Keeping your wisdom teeth will give you lots of oral health benefits. Wisdom teeth commonly come at the age between 17 and 25 and are the last set of molars. You can definitely keep your wisdom teeth if they possess the following qualities.

  • Healthy
  • Able to clean properly
  • In the correct position
  • Fully Flared up

Below, we tell you some health benefits of keeping wisdom teeth.

  • One advantage of wisdom teeth is that they support the neighboring molars, giving them extra strength and solidity.
  • It reduces crowding in the mouth and creates more space between teeth, which helps with better chewing capability and oral hygiene manners.
  • Wisdom teeth are an additional set of molars, which means having extra support to crush food while eating.
  • These teeth also act as protection against cavities by offering extra safeguards in the surroundings of existing molars, which are prone to spoiling because of plaque that develops around teeth due to poor brushing routines.
  • They also help maintain the structure of the face and jaw.
  • The removal of wisdom teeth requires cutting bone tissue, which, over time, weakens bite strength and impacts chewing capability. So, if you do not improve with orthodontic treatment like retainers or braces, this can cause malocclusion.  

Although dentists mostly suggest removing wisdom teeth, this is not usually required. In fact, it is best to retain wisdom teeth if they do not adversely affect overall and oral health. Correctly grown wisdom teeth offer support to other teeth and help maintain the jaw’s structure. Better support is essential for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) health.

Benefits of Keeping Wisdom Teeth Reddit:

You can also check out the benefits of keeping their wisdom teeth on Reddit, where people have already shared their ideas. If you are confused about whether keeping wisdom teeth will give you benefits, here are some takeaways from Reddit users.

  • A user said that keeping your wisdom teeth will help you avoid unnecessary dental surgery procedures. Although they are safe, every surgery has some risks.
  • Another user wrote, do not get your wisdom teeth removed as it will save you from various issues such as a lot of bleeding, dry socket, broken jaw, cutting nerve, and damage to existing tooth function.
  • One of the users said, if the wisdom teeth grow in their correct places, they can provide good support for the mouth and other teeth.
  • One more benefit from a user, they also help chew the food properly because they are an extra set of molars that provide more power to crush the solid food.
  • A beauty tip from a user, wisdom teeth also make your jawbone look good.

Are There Any Benefits To Keeping Your Wisdom Teeth?

There are lots of advantages to keeping your wisdom teeth, including natural texture and structure, functionality, and longevity. When you keep your wisdom teeth, it sustains the natural texture of your jaw and stops other teeth from moving to take their place. If you maintain this consonance, you can stop your dental problems of the future. Another advantage of keeping wisdom teeth is the proper functionality.

If the wisdom teeth are correctly lined up, they become precious assets to your mouth, which help you to chew and crush food like other teeth. Moreover, wisdom teeth are more potent and have a lengthy lifetime than other teeth, which certainly provide solid support if your other teeth become damaged.

What Happens If I Don’t Remove Wisdom Teeth?

If you do not remove your wisdom teeth, you will face various problems, such as your wisdom teeth being wholly hidden in the gums; they can become stuck inside your jaw if they do not erupt properly. Sometimes, improper eruption of wisdom teeth can lead to a cyst that can spoil other teeth’ bone support and roots. 

What Is The Disadvantage Of Removing Wisdom Teeth?

Taking out wisdom teeth has many disadvantages, and it is essential to be familiar with the risks related to dental surgery. Some of the common disadvantages of wisdom teeth removal are given below.

  • There is always a risk of infection with any type of surgery. However, if you practice good oral hygiene after the removal and follow your dentist’s instructions, the risk can be reduced.
  • After the wisdom teeth removal, a blood clot builds in the place of an empty tooth. Patients might face dry sockets if the clot fails to form or breaks off, which causes lots of pain. This problem is only treatable by your oral surgeon. 
  • It is rarely possible for the wisdom tooth nerves to be damaged for short and long-term periods during removal.
  • Few patients may experience a prolonged recovery period more than average due to various factors, including personal healing capacity or the difficulty of the extraction.

What Happens If You Keep Your Wisdom Teeth?

As the wisdom teeth are not important, people lose nothing. However, having wisdom teeth also enhances the risk of developing many problems in a person, such as periodontal infections and disease.

The development of wisdom teeth can also cause orthodontic problems if they press against other teeth or crowd the people’s jaw.  Moreover, people only need to remove their wisdom teeth if they are causing issues or can lead to problems in the future. 

 Can Removing Wisdom Teeth Improve Health?

The removal of wisdom teeth can provide many health benefits, including improved overall health and well-being. Wisdom teeth extraction can help enhance your oral health by stopping issues related to your other teeth.

However, infected or impacted wisdom teeth can result in complex health issues in addition to many dental problems by spreading the infection to other parts. So, you must remove your wisdom teeth to improve your overall health. Moreover, removal can decrease the risk of infection and other complexities of wisdom teeth.  

Why are Wisdom Teeth Not Useful Anymore?

Wisdom teeth are parts of our body, like the tailbone, that humans do not use in this modern age. Ancient humans needed big jaws and additional molars to crush roots, raw meat, and complex plants. However, we do not need wisdom teeth; they are not useful anymore for us because modern humans eat cooked meat, soft foods, vegetables, and fruits, so we don’t need extra crushing power. But the genes of humans still erupt wisdom teeth that don’t have space to grow in our mouths.

Why Do Mexicans Not Have Wisdom Teeth?

This may lead to jealousy at times, but the eruption of wisdom teeth depends on genetics, and not everybody has the genes for not having them. For example, Indigenous Mexicans have a 100% rate of not having wisdom teeth.

However, almost every person in Africa and Europe has the genes for erupting wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth agenesis varies by community, ranging from virtually zero in Aboriginal Tasmanians to almost 100% in Indigenous Mexicans. However, the difference is associated with the MSX1 and PAX9 genes or maybe some other genes.

What Race Does Not Have Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom Teeth are not erupted in the people of Asia and the Inuit. These are the only teeth produced after birth, while the remaining teeth are reproduced in utero. It is worth mentioning that wisdom teeth never grow in all Mexicans. Moreover, 45%  of Koreans do not have wisdom teeth.

What Is The Evolutionary Advantage Of Wisdom Teeth?

The wisdom teeth are beneficial for chewing items in the mouth. With those teeth, an individual can eat food and other rough Items without effort. They play a very important role in human life because they are used to grind any food, which is best for digestion.

Our ancestors needed wisdom teeth because they had to crush hard foods such as raw meat, rough plants, etc, so they required a bigger jaw. For them, the evolutionary advantage of wisdom teeth is that they give them more chewing power to crush hard food, so they don’t face any difficulty. The wisdom teeth can easily grow in their mouth as they have wide jaws.  

Are Wisdom Teeth Ever Useful?

Yes, these are very useful because they help in Chewing and play a vital role in speaking acts. Because of these teeth, people can get the best makeup for their Jaws and faces. Moreover, wisdom teeth can give the best support to other teeth if erupted in the proper place and protect the bone in your jaw.

Nowadays, the need for wisdom teeth is about to be eliminated due to the modern age and unique food. In general, we do not need wisdom teeth; many healthcare dentists consider them unnecessary because they no longer serve.

Does Having Wisdom Teeth Make You Wiser?

Unfortunately, according to Healthcare and Doctors, wisdom teeth don’t make you wiser as they are like other teeth of the mouth. They are the only Molars that humans evolved before they were needed, and they can not express any type of wisdom.

They literally get their game wisdom teeth because they erupt later in life, normally in your teens or early twenties, when you have wisdom. Moreover, many people do not have proper space in their jaws for their correct eruption.

Are Our Wisdom Teeth Really Useful For?

Wisdom teeth are generally of no use except for crushing food and providing good support to their surrounding teeth, which is why many dentists call them vestigial. These teeth are like other teeth of the mouth and have similar purposes, such as chewing food, talking, and maintaining the natural structure of your face.

However, wisdom teeth can also lead to issues like pain, crowding, and infection in the mouth. Moreover, they are helpful if they erupt properly with similar alignment to other teeth. Otherwise, they can cause various problems.  

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